Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ty Wall Jon Boat How Much Does Wall Paper Cost? And How Do They Sell The Product By Sq.ft Or 4'by 8' Sheets?

How much does wall paper cost? and How do they sell the product by sq.ft or 4'by 8' sheets? - ty wall jon boat

I am renovating my apartment and the walls are badly damaged. I patched the nail holes and big holes, but I still see the damage to the wall. I looked at renovation and interior decoration Ty covered the walls with wallpaper that I want to copy. What are the costs for material? If the material used by the PC or sheets of 4'x8 '?

1 comment:

equi_tye said...

By the roll and double roll covers sold about 3 m to 8 drops. The goods are normally sold around 22 27 "wide commercial products by the yard or sometimes bolt is 30 meters and is 54" Prices vary according to the magnitude

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